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A few lines with Karpira
Our team consists of experienced and informed professional experts and consultants from all over the world who have diverse and extensive educational and professional experiences and records. Among the common characteristics of our team members, we can mention their admirable passion to help people in choosing and improving their career and professional status.
- Business awareness and intellectual aptitude
- Practical knowledge and passion to achieve the right results
- Relevant, broad and deep experience
- Providing unbiased advice
- Technical competence

Karpira international recruitment
As one of the subgroups of Novin Parsian International Hikmat Afarin Group, by using the huge potentials and other subgroups of this group, it has always tried to be one of the leaders in the field of providing comprehensive employment, training, consulting and human resource management services at the level International to be among the first class companies.
We believe that we have two audiences – job seekers and employers. We are well aware of this fact that our relations with both groups of contacts should contain mutual benefits and therefore we constantly try to provide their satisfaction to the highest possible level. Benefiting from expertise in the field of permanent, temporary and contract employment, extensive knowledge in the field of human resource management, unique business resources and relationships, and sufficient experience and insight in this field, make Carpira International Recruitment one of the leaders in the field of international employment. has changed

how karpira works?
Karpira will maintain its focus on the needs of its customers and at the same time will continue to innovate, collaborate extensively with colleagues and fulfill its commitment to providing solutions, comprehensive services for all people.
We understand the need and also the importance of a committed and expert workforce and we continuously try to satisfy the job seekers at all stages of the recruitment process and also fulfill the needs of our partner employers by providing skilled workforce.
Entering the business world in today’s era, when the world has entered a period of great opportunities and challenges, requires special knowledge, skills and characteristics. In the new millennium, the factors affecting the success of individuals, organizations and nations are changing rapidly, and success depends on having modern knowledge and the ability to apply it in an innovative and efficient way.

Free resume evaluation

Appropriate job grading

We help every step of the way

What makes karpira unique
- Fame for knowledge and excellence in the field of immigration
- Having world-class consultants who benefit from sufficient training and expertise in this field
- Providing a wide range of professional/immigration services in Europe, Australia, Canada, Asia in order to help professionals realize their personal and professional dreams.
- Leader and innovator in providing services related to employment/hiring of foreigners, visa and work permit, application for Bluecard
- Based on years of experience, we have designed special support processes that enable us to achieve much shorter review times for our individual and corporate clients.
- By using special solutions and through the development and exploitation of all applicable legal exemptions, we can efficiently remove obstacles to your employment and establishment not only in Europe but also in Asia, Australia and Canada.
- Every year, experts and their families and advisors rely on our experience and expertise
- Our experienced specialists are working in offices in more than 20 countries
- With the support of Carpira's network of partners, as employment and immigration specialists, we are able to provide high-quality services in accordance with the specific needs of each situation as well as legal procedures.
- Complete familiarity with immigration processes and methods of solving problems and guaranteeing results are among our key features
- Fame for knowledge and excellence in the field of immigration