- Payroll Services
Our experience in contract and temporary engineering recruitment means we have expert knowledge when it comes to our payroll services and understand how important this service is to our customers. KARPIRA payroll service is designed to use our international knowledge to deliver effective payroll and billing services for you.
KARPIRA Solutions manages a thorough burden control practise which allows us to extend advanced savings to our clients for their engineering workforce. Our unique partnership philosophy encourages our management team to identify and leverage savings opportunities.
Our open book system ensures transparency and accountability in passing these savings on to our clients. We are experts in identifying savings opportunities through centralized payrolls, maximum tax thresholds, pre-identified assets and other depreciable arenas.
We process payments for every engineering contractor and temporary member of staff we have on site with you. The service we provide reduces your overall labor costs, removes administration and guarantees legal and tax compliance. It also gives you peace of mind to realize that we know who is on location, how long for and if they have previously worked for your business. We will act as your payroll department to fit your business needs.
What will your organization gain from working under our outsourced payroll service?
- Efficiency and compliancy – We do all the hard work for you
• Change management – Creating and implementing a payroll service can be a headache but we can manage all of this for you
• Complete visibility of budgets and spend
• Pay-rate benchmarking
• Online timesheet creation, completion and approval process, verified by the line managers
• Enhanced benefits for payroll workers such as first-time contractor and Limited Company advice, on-boarding, on-going professional development, and career support
• A centralized payroll team with a designated Service Consultant who will manage all payroll related queries
• Consistency of engagement conditions and payroll charges