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Our Services
Karpira International Company with registration number 61928 is a leading professional support organization for all people who need information, advice and support to make critical professional decisions in their lives. Karpira International Company has become one of the pioneers in the field of international employment and work over the years. Karpira company’s expertise and skill in making appropriate selections among a wide range of job fields and types of jobs is exemplary, which comes from our long-term knowledge and experience in this field.
Karpira company is not limited to a specific country or business, and while being comprehensive, it benefits from the presence of experienced consultants and experts in each specialized field, and also has long-term cooperative relationships with employers and reputable institutions in different countries (Germany, Canada, Australia, Qatar, Switzerland, Ireland, Spain, Great Britain, etc.) This feature of “comprehensiveness + expertise” has been one of the main reasons for the success of Karpira International Company in attracting a wide range of audiences.
Karpira’s research and development team continuously strives to increase the consulting team’s knowledge and expertise about the international labor market and talent dynamics through extensive research.

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This group has pursued its market development with regard to establishing constructive interactions with its business partners, employers and stakeholders, efficient human resources and the application of new knowledge and technology, and we are trying to use all the necessary capacities to facilitate and develop the presence of the elite workforce and Provide Iranian experts abroad.
Karpira international recruitment
The employment services provided by Karpira International Company are tailored to the user in two general branches of work (providing international job opportunities and career and professional advice to job seekers) and recruiting (human resource management services and introduction of work forces to international employers). and the constant effort of the team of consultants and experts of Karpira company is to arouse the mutual satisfaction of job seekers and employers from the services provided.
The experts of Karpira International Company are well aware of the challenges faced by international employers in finding the right workforce, and while providing new and practical employment solutions, they facilitate their access to talented job seekers in different parts of the world (especially Iran).
Below is a description of the services provided by Karpira International Company.