Looking for a job in Germany

How can I find job in Germany?

Internationals may apply online or in written form to vacancies in Germany. You can apply directly to companies or organizations even if you are a foreigner. You can usually find job postings on the homepages of the companies as well as in special portals for jobs.

Can foreigners apply for jobs in Germany?

Yes, foreigners can apply for jobs in Germany. Employers then usually check whether you can be employed as a foreigner. For EU citizens, this is automatically possible. For applicants who do not have citizenship of an EU country, it must be checked on a case-by-case basis what options are available, for example, employment as part of a training program, a Bluecard or other options.

What kind of job is available in Germany?

Foreigners may choose from a broad variety of jobs in Germany. Highly in demand are all blue collar workers, e.g. craftsmen, workers in the service sector like drivers, cleaners, and nurses. In almost all sectors and for almost all levels is a steadily increasing demand for staff – starting from apprentices reaching to managers. It is expected that this high demand will even rise in the next few years providing even more opportunities in Germany for workers from abroad.

Is getting a job in Germany easy?

It is very easy to find a job in Germany to apply for. Job boards list tens of thousands of open positions every day. All you have to do is browse through these job boards and you can apply directly. However, it is often difficult for foreigners to apply for these positions, as certain application standards apply in Germany. Among other things, one should pay attention to a properly prepared, current and complete resume. Many applications fail because the application documents are not sufficient.

Looking for a job in Germany: Facts about the German labor market

Are women employed in Germany?

In 2018, 76% of women between 20 and 64 years of age in Germany were in employment. As reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) on 8 March 2020, the share of women in employment increased by 8 percentage points between 2008 and 2018 (2008: 68%). This means that in 2018 Germany had the third highest female employment rate in the European Union (EU) after Sweden (80%) and Lithuania (77%).

What are the working hours in Germany?

In 2018, full-time working men in agriculture, forestry and fisheries had the longest working hours at 49.9 hours per week and the shortest in manufacturing at 40.4 hours per week. The same applies to women in full-time employment, but with lower weekly working hours of 45.3 and 39.6 hours respectively. As further reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), part-time employees worked between 15.4 and 22.7 hours per week depending on the sector.

What are the current developments in apprenticeships in Germany?

In many craft trades, the number of new apprentices is declining less than the average for all training occupations. This is shown by a special evaluation of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) on the occasion of the Skilled Worker Immigration Act which will enter into force on 1 March 2020. Overall, the total number of newly concluded training contracts fell by 14.1% from 607,600 to 521,900 between 2008 and 2018.

The number of training places reported for 2020 has so far shown a decline. The number of applicants is also again lower than in the previous year. However, counselling and placement services have only just begun in the current counselling year. The chances for foreign applicants therefore remain high, even though travel restrictions due to the corona pandemic may play a role.

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